Sustainable Conference Targets
IBioIC is committed to creating an event with sustainability values at its core. We have therefore worked with our event organisers and suppliers to minimise the environmental impact of our conference. Here’s what we’ve done...
We have chosen venues which are within easy walking distance of each other, and both of Glasgow’s major rail terminals and bus station.
The Technology and Innovation Centre conference venue holds a Green Tourism Gold award and implements a green policy for conferences and events, Green_Policy.pdf (strath.ac.uk).
The venue benefits from an innovative combined heat and power district energy scheme, allowing the generation of 50% of its energy on campus.
All catering is from sustainable sources and local suppliers where possible, with the catering adjusted to minimise food waste on the day.
Catering prioritises a plant-based menu. Where meat, fish, or eggs are used, these will be locally sourced from high welfare suppliers.
We will ensure all equipment is powered down overnight and when not in use
We’ve reduced our conference collateral waste by having all conference information available online.
All badge lanyards issued on the day will be collected, washed and reused at future events, we request delegates please drop theirs off in the collection box at the end of Day 2.
All exhibitors have been asked to minimise their single-use paper and plastic promotional materials.
All our staff will travel to the venue on public transport, and we request delegates do the same.
Crew and materials will be sourced locally to reduce unnecessary travel and shipping
IBioIC will conduct a travel survey during ticket purchase to calculate the travel carbon impact.
IBioIC will conduct a post event audit of the conference and reception venues for energy usage, consumables, waste and recycling where possible.
How you can attend sustainably
Travel and accommodation
Visit our Venue page to find out how to get to the conference venue and stay sustainably in Glasgow.
Sustainability at the conference
We have worked with our venues and suppliers to minimise our footprint and there are a few things our attendees can do to help us:
We ask all attendees to bring your own drinks containers and lanyards if possible.
Download and use the conference app to access Agenda information, locations for 1-1 meetings, workshops, catering, posters, and break out areas.
Exhibitors are asked to reduce the amount of single use materials on their stands and to use the conference app wherever possible to share information and encourage visitors to their stand.
Exhibitors and sponsors bringing materials, graphics, or signage are asked to use sustainable materials, particularly for any materials produced specifically for the conference.