
Day 1 | Wednesday 12 March 2025

09.00 - 10.00 Registration

10.00 - 10.30 Opening Plenary

Mark Bustard, CEO, IBioIC


10.30 - 11.10 Partnering for success: the importance of collaborations across research, innovation and supply chains (Part 1)

Case Study - Working with a major IB company to develop process optimisation | University of Edinburgh

Engineering the future of fashion: biological dyes at scale  | Sophie Vaud, Colorifix

11.10 - 12.00 Coffee break

12.00 - 13.20 Partnering for success: the importance of collaborations across research, innovation and supply chains (Part 2)

Building a cluster around a feedstock | Melanie Siggs, Iceland Ocean Cluster

Creating value from seafood by-products - understanding the opportunity for Scotland | Seafood Scotland

Launchpad Showcase - take off for cluster growth | Chair: John Hand, Scottish Enterprise

  • Jay Dignan, founder, BioMara

  • Carbogenics

  • HUID Ltd

  • Rita Cruz, Head of Molecular Biology, Ingenza

  • Marine Biopolymers Ltd

  • Mark Dorris, CEO, Mercel Ltd

  • MiAlgae


  • Prozymi Biolabs

  • SilviBio Ltd

  • Sustainable Extricko

13.20 - 15.00 Networking Lunch, poster observation, 1-1 meeting

15.00 - 16.00 Partnering for success: the importance of collaborations across research, innovation and supply chains (Part 3)

Celtic Clusters - Learning from best practice in Europe

Daniel Álvarez, PhD, International Business Manager, Bioga

Derek O'Brien, Executive Director, Biorbic

Gorenka Bojadzija Savic, European Projects Manager, Biotech Sante Bretagne

16.00 - 16.45 Innovation Showcase

16.45 - 17.00 Poster winner prizegiving and Day 1 wrap up

18.00 - 20.00 Civic Reception, Glasgow City Chambers

Day 2 | Thursday 13 March 2025

09.30 - 10.00 Morning Plenary

Mark Bustard, CEO, IBioIC

Greenbackers Investment Capital

10.00 - 10.45 Innovation Showcase

11.00 - 12.00 Workshops

12.00 - 13.00 Networking lunch

13.00 - 14.45 Getting to Market: green regulations, scaling up, and investment

EU Green Claims Directive | Lara Dammer, Nova Institute

Panel session:

Scaling up and securing investment | Chair: Poonam Malik, Co-founder, Microplate Dx Ltd

Yvonne Davies, Remora


Realising the future: from complexity to clarity. How brand narrative and strategic design can catalyse emergent technologies | Aoife Challis and Simon Chuck, New Territory

14.35 - 14.45 Closing remarks